Algorithm for optimal wind power plant capacity allocation in areas with limited transmission capacity


One of the basic requirements for making a high- level integration of wind power plants (WPPs) in power systems possible are much higher investments in transmission network development. Often used practice that charges WPP investors with full cost of transmission network upgrades (some of which are not directly linked to WPP connection) could result with large number of good locations being unused. This paper proposes a simulation framework for assessing the possibility of WPP integration into the existing transmission network without any need for additional transmission upgrades. Install capacity of each WPP is determined in a way that maximizes total production from all WPP and minimizes their construction costs while considering transmission network security constrains. Maximum WPP penetration level and optimal capacity allocation are analyzed from the static aspect in order to determine the capability of the transmission network to transfer WPP production while considering maximum line loading under different system operating conditions. WPP production is modeled as stochastic variable considering the correlation between WPP production at different locations. Primal–dual interior point method is employed to solve the optimization problem

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems