In this thesis, small hydropower plants are described as a plant in which the potential energy of water is converted into the kinetic energy of its flow, then into the mechanical energy of rotation of the turbine shaft and finally into electrical energy in a synchronous generator. The second chapter describes the properties and characteristics of the hydropower plant, while the third chapter describes the components of the hydropower plant. A small hydropower plant consists of all plants and buildings from water supply and drainage, plants for the production of electricity and transformation to a level suitable for the final consumer. The fourth chapter describes the method of calculating the hydro potential and determining the possible production of electricity from a small hydropower plant. While the sixth and seventh chapters explain the economic viability of SHPPs and the consequences of SHPP connection to the distribution network in the context of power flows, loads, voltage quality, re-establishment of drive after failure, parallel drive with distribution network, power reliability and frequency change in the network. In the final, eighth chapter, testing and simulation of conformity of production modules is explained.